
My Paintings

During my leisure time, I like to paint a lot. I like to share with you some of my paintings. Enjoy:)

P.S.: I’m looking for an Art Gallery, which is interested to organize with me an exhibition! If you are interested, please leave a comment with your contact details! Thanks in advanced!

2 responses

31 05 2015
Stephen Hartman

dear Ms Brocker,
I collect films that made dealing with biographies. I recently came across your name as having been connected with the film “The Murder of Princess Diana”. This collection is purely for my own enjoyment. Can you please tell me how much you would charge for two photographs of yourself, one in character as the late Princess Diana, and one out of character. Thank you in advance.
Stephen Hartman

3 10 2017

Hi Stephen,

I just wanted to inform you that I updated my webpage with new pictures and Information:) I hope you are doing well?

Your Sincerely,

Nathalie Brocker

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